Their friendship, as we know from Anne Lister’s diaries, developed rapidly although Ann Walker, who possessed a strong sense of Christian duty, was often wracked with religious guilt. They eventually agreed that they would live together at Shibden Hall but clearly masked the full extent of their friendship. They travelled widely in Europe and beyond and continued to maintain both their estates. They were in Russia when Anne Lister died and Ann Walker brought the body back for burial in Halifax Parish Church. She had been left a ‘life interest’ in Shibden Hall by her friend. However, Ann’s health and mental state declined as she struggled to maintain the two estates. It was arranged for Dr.Belcombe to accompany Ann to a private asylum in York under his care. She returned to Cliffe Hill shortly before her death in 1854. Her nephew Evan Charles Sutherland Walker inherited the estate.
I am trying to find out more about Elizabeth Walker who married George Mackay Sutherland in April 1847 near Halifax.<br />do you know who her parents were?