As the Friends of St Matthew's Churchyard have restored the area, they have compiled a searchable database which is published on their website.


As part of a Heritage Lottery Fund project headstones which commemorated those who died in WW1 have been restored and this led to Dorothy Barker (the Secretary) researching the soldiers and their families. This led naturally to further family researches, all of which are published on the website, under About the churchyard => People of Interest.

The Friends have had a good number of contacts following these publications from family members which has allowed the stories to be shared and expanded.

 If you follow up on any of these and have additional information to add, please let us or the Friends know.

The families covered so far include:


Corporal Fred Booth               Private Edgar Sharpe              Private Roland Walker

 Gunner Joe Lumb Brook        Private Robert Brownrigg       Sgt Christopher Kershaw

 Privates Aaron, Walter & Leonard Sucksmith                        Pte Edward Schofield

 Pte Arthur Rushworth             Pte G. Percy S Brown             Pte James Smallwood

 Francis William Bradley            Fanny Sharp                 little Sharp Shooter

 Sgt Major Fred Mitchell         Corporal Kenneth & Gunner John Berry

 Bombardier Charles & Pte Frank Newsome                           Pte Milton Aspinall

 Corporal Joe Willie Shaw        Lance Corp Joe Holt               May Hartley

 Pte Walter & Lance Corp Herbert Pybus                                Pte Samual Sharp (Crimea)

 Dragoon Guard Joseph Naylor (Crimea)                                General Joshua Guest (Jacobite Rising)

 Major Reginald Sowerby        the Berry Family                     the Lee family

 Mark Dawson (Mayor of Bradford)          Midshipman Alfred Ripley RN         Ann Walker, her family, friends & connections with the church.

 The incumbents - Rev Rich Sutcliffe, Rev Robert Wilkinson & Rev William Gurney

 The Watkinson family & the Charteris family.

Samuel Washington         Samuel Sowden      James Hinscliff     

 The Hatton and Swaines        The Howarth Family of Pump      Private Arthur Naylor       John Smith - land agent to E C Sutherland Walker

The Appleyards and Kendalls    George and Joseph Armytage of Holme House   The Manns   The Robinsons   Middleton Scales

Howorths of Pump    The Cordingleys & Parkinsons   The Wood family  Sidney Ellis

Sapper S A A Roff   Samuel Pickles, the Greaves & Greenwood families  William Rushworth  The Pearson family of Shibden Valley

an article on Johnston Jonas Foster and Sir H W Ripley when they moved to Shropshire

The Gibsons, Firths and Macaulays and Slead Hall     Elizabeth (Betty) Kershaw - a tragic story

The related Sherwood, Empsall and Marsden families   The families of James, Thomas and Benjamin Smith

Hannah Denison formerly Marsden nee Sinclair   Frances Hird nee Hale, (Mrs Lamplugh Wickham Hird)

Some related Ellises, Sugdens, Hudsons and Broadleys   The Day family and their Lightcliffe Cottage

The Hanson family of Norwood Green    Miscellaneous stories: Rev Edward Elton, How people earned their living (up to 1911 Census), walks round Lightcliffe and a Spring poem.

The Foster family    Walter Wolfenden and Private Benjamin Crossley    Some Hemingways    Sucksmiths of Underhill Farm and Hill End Farm   A Charnock (or Charnick) family

Roydlands Farm and its occupants   And some of those whose memorials are no longer in the churchyard - the Tates, the Jowetts, the Naylors and the Taylor Sucksmiths

Some Hemingway families   Lasseys (or Laceys and an angel)   Private Harold Roberts   Carters, Nicholls & Radcliffes (at Giles House & Smith House)

Private Arthur Hindle Carter   Hepworths of Yew Trees   Rev Savile Brinton Lewis Hall  John Lister Clay  Tom Sander Gill   Some Listers & Gomersalls

Incumbents - priests at St Matthew's Church from 1529 to 1972.


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